
  • Provide a single point of contact for reporting local problems.
  • Assist the computing community in preventing and handling computer security incidents.
  • Share information with CSIRT/CC, other CERTs, response teams ,    organisations and sites.
  • Incident Response.
  • Provide a 24 x 7 security service.
  • Offer recovery procedures.
  • Artifact analysis
  • Incident tracing


  • Issue security guidelines, advisories and timely advise.
  • Vulnerability analysis and response
  • Risk Analysis
  • Collaboration with vendors
  • National Repository of, and a referral agency for, cyber-intrusions.
  • Profiling attackers.
  • Conduct Training
  • Interact with vendors and others at large to investigate and provide solutions for incidents.


  • Central point for reporting incidents
  • Database of incidents


  • Analysis of trends and patterns of intruder activity
  • Develop preventive strategies for the whole constituency
  • In-depth look at an incident report or an incident activity to determine the scope, priority and threat of the incident.


  • Incident response is a process devoted to restoring affected systems to operation
  • Send out recommendations for recovery from, and containment of damage caused by the incidents.
  • Help the System Administrators take follow up action to prevent recurrence of similar incidents

Tip of the week!

Use Two-Factor Authentication

It’s important to have a strong password, but it’s even more imperative to have two-factor, or multi-factor, authentication. This method provides two layers of security measures so if a hacker can accurately guess your password, there is still an additional security measure in place to ensure that your account is not breached.

044-24962400 Ext:303 (Working Hours 09:00 - 18:00)

9443807449, 9443428795 (Off-hours Contact)

Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us directly. Our team will come back to you At the earliest.
